How we helped Cosmo Laser get more customers

What will it take before Danes accept laser treatments and turn a taboo subject into a commonplace one? Faced with a problem like this, you could do nothing. Or you could choose to inform, tell a good story, provide recipients with the relevant information at the right time or something else entirely. Cosmo Laser did something – in partnership with us.

Sådan hjalp vi Cosmo Laser med at få flere kunder i forretningen
Beauty and cosmetics

About Cosmo Laser

Cosmo Laser is a clinic that primarily offers laser and injection treatments. They have a lot of different products in their portfolio, everything from hair removal, acne treatment and skin tightening to skin refinement, tattoo removal, vascular lesion treatments, botox and filler.

A taboo subject

PL & Partners started a partnership with Cosmo Laser in 2017. At the time, laser treatment was more taboo than it is today. Maybe things changed due to our involvement or perhaps the times simply changed. We choose to believe both.

“Compared to last year, we have experienced 20 percent growth in the entire business. This comes from creating leads: We market ourselves and spread our message to more Danes.”

Sådan hjalp vi Cosmo Laser med at få flere kunder i forretningen
Kimia Bahari
Head of Marketing at Cosmo Laser

A targeted effort

Det betaler sig at betale for synlighed. Cosmo Laser oplevede, at antallet af besøgende steg med 260% alene på baggrund af en øget og mere målrettet indsats med betalt annoncering på Facebook og Instagram. Udover flere besøgende har Cosmo også oplevet en markant stigning i omsætningen – win win.

Ad spend






The partnership team

Jeanette Byberg

Senior Paid Social Specialist

A chat with us is free,
but never non-committal

PL & Partners is a performance marketing agency. We are a group of advisors that go to work every day with the desire to create visible results together with our customers. We are built on ambition and knowledge. We are driven by people, by advisors, by data and by a shared wish to create visible results.

Your reason to pick PL & Partners

In our most recent customer survey, customers rated us at 9.3 out of 10
For over 7 years we have been a regular speaker at international events at Facebook HQ in Dublin.
This year, we are handling an ad spend of over 250 million danish kroner on social media on behalf of our customers

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