Emails let you and your customers go from acquaintances to friends

Email is always a great addition to your marketing mix, but you need to use this channel intelligently. Create relationships, build trust and get in direct contact with your followers, customers and ambassadors.

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It’s no secret that people purchase from people. A personal relationship can determine whether your customers choose you or someone else. Emails allow you to bridge that gap.

“We were looking for the best partner in Denmark. In PL & Partners, we found a partner that meets this requirement and is a great match for our business.”
Rasmus Carlsen
Marketing Manager, Verisure
When you work with email marketing, you also work with data – your own. You aren’t dependent on other channels and platforms. With email marketing, you own the channel and hence also your data. And that gives you a lot of options. For instance, you can communicate directly with your customers without worrying about the channel or platform disappearing. You can customize your content. You can send offers. You can create lists based on your customers’ behaviour. But you’ll only be able to do so with the right and necessary permissions.
You have a lot of options – but only if you work with email marketing efficiently and professionally.

When you work with email marketing, you’re always working with several channels, since emails are a part of your marketing mix. But you need to use them intelligently. You need to build your list, know your demographic and target your messages. We can help you with these three things and much more.