LinkedIn Advertising

Position, experience level, company, industry and field of speciality. LinkedIn lets you target your messages with extreme precision so the right people get the right message at the right time.

50+ trusted advisors

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Google: four channels you can use to create B2B leads. You can also use LinkedIn – one of the very best and most efficient channels for creating B2B leads. On LinkedIn, there’s no need to compete with entertaining videos, personal photos, groups and the like. Instead, you can become a part of your target group’s professional life – completely naturally.

“We were looking for the best partner in Denmark. In PL & Partners, we found a partner that meets this requirement and is a great match for our business.”
Rasmus Carlsen
Marketing Manager, Verisure
Want to target someone with a particular position and particular level of experience in a particular company and within a particular industry? LinkedIn allows you to reach the right people with the right background. And you can even exclude from your search people who wouldn’t significantly benefit from your assistance.
More precise targeting means that the price of getting customers is higher. But a higher price can also mean a greater chance of reaching the right people. LinkedIn rarely disappoints when it comes to B2B leads.

When your target group is scrolling through LinkedIn, they’re usually doing so in a professional context. They aren’t looking at cat videos or posting holiday photos. They’re looking for professional discussions, work-related content and skills development. If you can contribute to any of this, you need to start advertising on LinkedIn as soon as possible.